Reconstruction of a Villa for a Dentist

MUDr. Zdeněk Daněk decided to transform his four-storey intermediate building near Villa Tugendhat into a family house with three dental practices and facilities.

The foundation structures were secured using micropiles, and changes to the layout and ceiling structure were implemented. The construction work faced challenges due to difficult access for heavy machinery and limited handling space.

Remediation of some of the original concrete was required, and addressing moisture in the floors preceded the installation of wooden multi-layer slats – the original reconditioned floor from the 1920s was preserved. The project featured high-quality materials such as aluminum structural infills and custom coffered and trellised façade cladding.

Today, thanks to the dental centre, a part of the villa on Erbenova Street is open to the public, showcasing the Brno functionalist reconstruction.

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Investor MUDr. Zdeněk Daněk
Realization January 2016 - January 2017
Budget 16.2 million CZK
Building dimensions 4 floors / 640 m²
General designer/architect Ing. arch. Tomáš Hlavsa
Location Brno

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