11 Family Houses in Soběšice and Development Area

Soběšice is a green and quiet district of Brno, perfect for development. Between March 2013 and June 2014, 11 terraced houses were built here according to the design of the architectural office KUBE.

The houses, connected to the original development in Weissova Street, are brick with monolithic ceilings. The construction manager, Tomáš Tschöpl, also designed the sewage pumping station as part of the project.

Families living in the houses can park on their land directly next to the house. They have a ground floor and a raised living attic under a gable roof, always with access to the street and living rooms facing the garden.

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Investor Kohoutovice Invest s.r.o.
Realization March 2013 - June 2014
Budget 65 mil. CZK
Building dimensions Total of 11 type houses of 200 m2 each
General designer/architect KUBE
Location Brno

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